Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Yes, You Can: A Guide to Writing and Sharing Your Story, by Isabella Morganthal

Today we have a rather special little book review! (For writers/prospective authors especially! :)) You may have seen the book review I did a little while ago of Worth It All by my author friend Isabella Morganthal. Well, Bella just released a new book! So today I'd like to share a review of her new book, Yes, You Can: A Guide to Writing and Sharing Your Story. 

Book Summary (from the back of the book): Have you dreamed of writing? Have you dreamed of being published? Self-published author, Isabella Morganthal shares her tips, wisdom, and advice in this new guide for writers! Sharing from over ten years of experience in writing, Isabella encourages writers to chase their dreams of being published someday. This fun guide includes advice on how to begin writing, how to edit, and how to publish and market your book. Also included are some fun story prompts to get your fingers writing and some creative writing exercises! If you're a new writer just starting out, or a seasoned writer looking for tips on publishing, this guide is for you! Yes, you can do this!

Discussions: Let's start with some things I loved. This book was quite simply fun to read. In Yes, You Can, Bella shares her experiences with writing, both with fiction and non-fiction, some lighthearted, some serious. She offers advice for developing one's writing, editing it, and how to publish your own books. (So far, Bella's self-published four books, including this one.) If you're interested in self-publishing, definitely check this book out. I thought the process was way more complicated, so that was interesting to learn about! Bella includes tips for formatting books, acquiring a cover design, and even after-publishing details like marketing and setting up book signings. Basically, Yes, You Can is a handbook for writers, with an overview of the writing/publishing process, complete with some writing prompts.  

Anything I didn't like? Not really. Except that I wish there was more of the book. :) Bella makes the most of every page, so it's very compact and rather short. Maybe it's just that I don't want to have to put one of her books down. :)

Overall, I recommend Yes, You Can! Bella writes with a conversational, friendly, personal style. She ties her Christian faith and love for Jesus into her book, keeping the importance of strong faith front and center. Strongly recommended for writers. :) 

You can find Yes, You Can: A Guide to Writing and Sharing Your Story by Isabella Morganthal on Amazon here. And while you're there, make sure to check out her other books!


I'd love to hear your thoughts! This blog is a place where I'm learning, so any encouragement/helpful feedback is much appreciated. :)