Tuesday, August 1, 2017

July Photography

Some photos from July! Fireworks, sparklers, a toad, mushrooms, and more. 


Our neighbors gave us some sparklers. I personally didn't light any; I had too much fun taking pictures of them.

Look at this tiny little guy!

My brother really wanted to hold him...

... but the toad would not be persuaded. 

After some rain... 

Ever seen a mushroom like this? I hadn't!

See the bird?

How was your July? Did you do fireworks for Independence Day?


  1. Ooh! We personally didn't do any fireworks, but I love the pictures! The smoke one makes me think of Luthadel, even if it's not mist. XD

    I love the firework pictures especially; they're gorgeous. <3

  2. Fun! Mmm, that apple looks delicious! I've never lighted sparklers before but they look like a lot of fun!

    1. The apples were amazing. :)
      We actually never buy sparklers, but people have given us some on various occasions. This time our neighbors came over and watched our fireworks with us and shared their sparklers (out of a box of 300!). :D


I'd love to hear your thoughts! This blog is a place where I'm learning, so any encouragement/helpful feedback is much appreciated. :)