Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Snippet of Spring

The weather has been swinging back and forth between winter and spring for a little while. It seems to have settled on spring for now. (I hope so, anyway!) However, the flowers and leaves in my area haven't quite recovered yet from a snowstorm beating. But... I have photos from a few weeks ago when everything looked a lot like spring. Hopefully the trees and plants will come back to life so I can capture a few photos of real spring. :)


These trees are irresistible. 

And so is fungus, sometimes. 

I don't even know what kind of plant this is, but it makes a good picture.

When my brother threw a rock into the stream, I tried to photo it. It's hard to capture a splash, but I gave it my best shot. (Photography pun intended.)

Water is a fascinating thing. 

Spring flowers! Premature ones, sadly, that perished in the snow. Hopefully they'll return... 

My little brother was very happy with the camellia blossoms!

Hope you liked these glimpses of spring! 
If you got the late March snow, are there any flowers left in your backyard/neighborhood? 

All images taken/edited by me. 


  1. Pretty, pretty! Love all the flowers and especially the rocks beside the stream. All of our flowers which started to bloom died when it snowed. :( Hopefully more will bloom...

    1. Thank you! :)
      Ugh, it's really disappointing! There are usually so many pretty trees in my neighborhood and now they're all bare again. Maybe, when it starts warming up again... :D

  2. All the water pictures looked really nice!

  3. When it started snowing for us I went and cut all the Daffodils because it was so sad for me to see them all freeze. So they were able to last a few days longer than they would have it I hadn't cut them. But I think that the pictures (all of them) are really pretty!!!!

    1. Ooh, that was a good idea! Then you got to enjoy them a little longer. :D
      Thanks, Phoebe! :)

  4. I love the water pics especially... and the one of Matthew with the tree is AMAZING! you are really talented, Maria... I am so proud of you!


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